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Week of December 13, 2009
Genealogy Feature of the Week

Announcing the Newly Updated Site:
Beginner’s Links for Original Documents

The successful genealogists knows that he or she does not have all of the answers, does not have knowledge of all areas of research and does not know where to find everything.

But the successful genealogist  does  realize that there are many resources that exist to help you find what you need and also to connect with others who can help you.  This resources list is presented here just to get you pointed in the right direction to know where to go to find what you need.

Original Documents
This is one of the best resources to see thousands (literally) documents online.  Ancestry is a subscription service, so there  is a fee, however, once you get to a stage that you want access to original records daily, then there is no better place.

Family Search
This is the best free service online.  Family Search offers some unique databases for free such as the Freedman’s Savings, the 1880 census records, a useful Family history guide, a free software program (PAF), plus some free videos made at the 2006 AAHGS conference in Salt Lake City Utah.  

For many this subscription site is a must! If you research Oklahoma Dawes records, or the state of TX, US Colored Troops, and so much more, Footnote is a site that you will use again and again. All of the Dawes Enrollment Cards and interviews are online, including the enrollment packets as well. The service records of the US Colored Troops is growing, and access to TX death certificates is something all Texas researchers will want.

These resources are here to assist you in finding sites and documents pertinent to researching ethnic genealogy websites and digitized records.