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The Beginning Genealogist
Where Beginners Learn to tell their story
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Ethnic Resources
There are many resources for genealogists on the internet.  There are also sources of interest to individuals of varying ethnic backgrounds.  Why?  Because in many the history of the ethnic group provides unique documents that pertain to the unique circumstances that placed them on the historical landscape.

Records pertaining to slavery in America will require at some time that those who descend from slaves utilize resources such as Freedman’s Bureau Records or the Census Slave Schedules. Those who ancestors emigrated to America as free people will find records from Ellis Island useful. Those of Jewish Ancestry will find resources and links from Jewish Gen to be invaluable.  Therefore a small list is provided here.

This is a list of some essential ethnic resources to be found.  Hopefully many will benefit from exploring these sites.

Amerindgen (American Indian Genealogy)
Canadian Genealogy Center
Chinese Genealogical Sources
ChristineCharity’s Site
English Ancestry
Eastern Europe GenWeb
Hispanic Genealogy Society
Puerto Rican Hispanice Genealogical Society